Changes! Changes everywhere!
It has been a HOT MINUTE since I last posted. It is because I have been as sick as a dog, BUT it has been for good reason. I am expecting our second baby! If I am not found on the couch sipping a ginger ale, I am usually napping when my daughter is asleep. It has been a rough one… let me tell ya, second pregnancy has been no joke for me.
Enough about me though…. I am ready and eager to jump back into some Classroom Management Monday posts (and get back to creating some products to help you out)!
Today I want to talk a bit about what is happening in our country.
You guys, a big change in education is happening and we can all feel it.
It might be a slow process, but it is happening.
Walk Outs
For example, take a look at states like Oklahoma, Arizona, Kentucky, and West Virginia (and possibly more that we have yet to hear about). These amazing teachers are being their best, brave self and standing up for themselves and their students. A lot of us are finally having ENOUGH of this mess and sticking up for what is right. Law makers need to understand the importance of public education and start funding and supporting it in better ways. Y’all, it is taking a toll on teachers and students but it is something that has to be done to be heard…. because simply using our voice from within our classrooms is not working.
Then you have the tragedies, such as Parkland, that just continue to happen. This is just another one of those situations that just make me numb. Without getting into politics and all that, it’s obvious that big things are happening no matter what. We are actually seeing our STUDENTS stand up for what they believe in and what they want their futures, and the next generation’s future to look like. Sure, we have heard from some students after past tragedies but nothing on this level. It has stirred a nationwide movement. STUDENTS stirred a nationwide movement. That is HUGE.
The aftermath is change
In many instances, this semester seems to be a different one. Teachers and students are standing up for what they believe is right. It is something that needs to be done. While it might cause some disruption, it is just something that needs to happen for us to be heard, see a positive change, and to move forward.
Anyway, this is not a post that goes on and on with what I would like to see happen. Instead, it is to provide some tips to help out JUST in case you and your kiddos are feeling the aftermath.
Support. Always offer support.
We all know that saying, “Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” This is especially true with what is going on around us. What if a student in your class has witnessed or has family that is somehow associated with gun violence? News breaks about a shooting, and that student either shuts down, acts out, or just plainly isn’t himself/herself. You just never know what kind of hardships this child has been through.
I have mentioned it before… one of the best ways to connect with your students is just by talking. Do your best to understand and respect the situation they are in. Great support is often times just listening.
You never know what kind of emotions can be surfaced when they hear the news that a school had a mass shooting (or something else that might be a tough situation for that student). School is a place where most students feel safe and loved. It is sad to think that these news stories all of a sudden tarnish that thought. I say this because I have seen it happen to students.
Just be kind.
Be transparent
Just be honest with your students without bringing your beliefs into it. This one can walk a fine line, so please be careful with what is said. If they are asking about it, educate them on what is going on. It isn’t a bad conversation to have.
Does your state have teachers protesting? Students will know something is going on and probably wonder what will happen next. Talk to them, help them understand. You can definitely do so in a way that does not turn political.
Be prepared
This is anywhere – be aware of what is going on. Bottom line, we are there for the kids. Knowing this, take the appropriate steps to make sure no time is wasted with them. Not only in the sense of academics but enjoying your students. Don’t take any time for granted for they are there to learn from you and you are there to learn from them in return.
Come back next week… I am going to be going into a bit more detail of what I truly believe and hope for in terms of preventing a tragedy like Parkland happening again. I would love your input on it as well!
Speaking of input, let me know any other tips you have for teachers as well. Have you participated in any of the protests going on? Please share your story! I would love to learn all about it.