Happy Monday friends!
For today’s classroom management Monday I am going to be talking a little bit about PBIS. It is something that I think every school should have and implement because when done well, it can really do great things for your school.
So, what is it?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. It is a school-wide adoption that is supposed to give support to teachers and students when needed. It is also there so that everyone is on the same level when it comes to dealing with behavior.
Ideally, students will know the exact consequences to actions no matter where they are in school. Also, it will push them to want to do good things for themselves, their peers, and their school. With that, teachers will know what kind of support will be given when an issue arises.
You can also find more info here.
I think this is such a great movement. Let’s face it, behavior has gotten extremely worse over the years and something needs to be done about it. If you read my manners post then you know I think we need to add this responsibility to our plate. A very good, and well implemented PBIS plan would surely help with this.
My whole belief is that we all need to be responsible for teaching behavior AND it needs to be a spiral through the upper grades. So often it is thought to be lower elementary teachers’ responsibility. Annnnnnd I am guessing if you have that mentality then you are struggling with some behavior issues in your classroom right now.
The reason that I am writing about this is because I have recently found that a lot of schools have adopted PBIS but the teachers have no idea that it exists. If you and others are struggling with classroom management then I URGE you to please check with your school counselor. Push for exposure. Get involved.
What if your school does NOT have it? Then still get involved. If it is something that you feel your school needs then push to be heard. Bring it up with your admin! Now, I will be honest, starting this will not be a walk in the park… It will take work. With this, a committee will be formed. These are the ones that will discuss the focus and role that this program will take in your school. It will also take time to get all the students used to it.
BUT, like I said, if done well then it will do wondrous things for your school.
This post is a short and sweet one. I just really want to make you aware that there is support out there if you are struggling with classroom management. Now tell me, does your school have PBIS? Do you not know if they do? Do they use it well? Tell me all about it, I would love to chat!!!
Until next week <3
Vol. 3 – Behavior Chart or No Behavior Chart?
Vol. 4 – Tips for returning from Spring Break
Vol. 5 – Aromatherapy for Behavior
Vol. 6 – Celebrating Each Other for a More Positive Environment
Vol. 7 – Managing Fire and Lock-down Drills