This has to be one of my favorite times of the year simply because I get to stock up on what has been on my wish list for a while!!! Trust me, it’s a lot. I hope I am not the only one. I also hope you stop by my store and take advantage of this! Everything in my store is 20% off and if you enter the code BTS13 at the end of checkout, you get an extra 10% off. THAT’S 28%!!!! Also, for the latest updates (and maybe some freebies!) like me on FACEBOOK. Hop on over to my store HERE! I think some good packages to take advantage of are my Write Around the Room (Entire Year Package)
Teacher’s Planner
HFW Bundles (look at all of them to pick the right one for you!)
Last but not least, my best selling Behavior Charts!!
Have fun my friends!! P.S. Thanks to the awesome Krista for the cute BTS Sale sign!