Last week was insane. Like meetingournewprincipal-learningaboutnewchanges-districtmeetings-gettingourclassroomreadyintwodays-workingtwoSaturdays insane. I am glad it is over with. SO. GLAD. May I also add: THANK GOD FOR MY MOM AND HUBBY. My hubby moved everything into my room and due to construction, I promise you it was a more than daunting task. My mom BUSTED some booty helping me organize and set everything up (a lot of the time while I was going back and forth trying to get things other than my classroom done). Seriously, I should place a mommy-monument dedicated to her in my classroom. I am really sad that I couldn’t have debuted my classroom sooner (like teacher week!), but alas, here it is. (Please remember I have a Teeny Tiny classroom!!!) View From my door. Those ribbons hanging from the window hold all of the items that dry throughout the day. Under the canopy is my reading area. In it I have bean bags, chairs and the kiddos library books.
To the back left is my guided reading area. This space, no matter how hard I try, always gets cluttered. I am enjoying the cleanliness while it lasts. Even though there is clutter already starting on the floor. I also have all of my books sorted by genre and labeled (thanks to my mom) that are ready for some “book shopping.”
Again, my mom is amazing. On the bulletin board I will be posting the TEKS that I will be teaching during the week. No Common Core for us in Texas… ours are called TEKS in case you were wondering. I also have my learning centers and schedule there.
To the right of the door is my reading area and math section. My math wall is a little sparse but since we use Daily Math Calendar, we start off simple and add to it each month. I also have to squeeze in my poor listening center into that small corner.
After that is my computer area and classroom restroom. Above the computers is very bare which drives me nuts but this is where my anchor charts will go. I just need to be patient. To the left of that is my word wall.
A little bit closer view of my reading center and community center. I know the colored bins are not labeled in this picture but I labeled them after! This is where I keep my crayons, pencils, markers, paper etc. The kiddos can come up and use these if they ever need them. Behind the community center is my desk.
The view from my desk!
Another picture of my clean guided reading table. Sigh, isn’t it beautiful (minus my rolling cart in the back)? Come tomorrow I wont be able to see what color it is. I am very bad about keeping it tidy. I try to keep the chalk board clear because as kiddos finish work with me at the desk, I pin it on the chalkboard.
View from my reading area. Well, there it is. I wish I had taken some close ups of the cute owl themed things I bought this year but I guess that will have to wait for another post. I am so proud of my classroom this year. Last year I felt like it was just thrown together because I only had a tiny time frame to get it done. This year I feel organized and ready. Not only that bit it feels warm and homey to me. I love it. We will see how I feel about it tomorrow though. I am supposed to have 24 students. Twenty-four. TWENTY-FOUR!!!! While I am so excited for this group, I am freaking out about this number. Like I said, I have a tiny classroom. As of now I only have room for 21. We are waiting to see if they all show up. If they do, then we will go into emergency crisis mode to find chairs and tables SOMEWHERE…. Anywhere. As of now, our school has no extras. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Here we go guys, first day of school is tomorrow and I am excited! If it is your first day also, then good luck. For those who have already started, I hope it went well! Happy teaching!!!!!!!