There has been a lot of talk in the past few years of ridding behavior charts all together. The whole reason behind this is because it is a form of "shaming." Look, I get it. When I was going through my first professional development course on this, it made perfect sense. Why would you want to display to everyone that a child is "bad?" After that course, I went to my classroom and tore my chart down. And you know what? Behavior didn't get worse. Chaos did not ensue. I continued to use my behavior calendars to send home and communicate with the parents. Other than that, we just went on with our days and it worked. The following year … [Read more...] about Behavior Chart or No Behavior Chart – Classroom Management Monday
Behavior Management
Manners – Classroom Management Monday #2
Happy Monday everyone! I am so glad you are here :) If you joined me last week, then you learned a little bit about why I am so passionate about helping you out. Today we will be talking about my NUMBER ONE tip. This is the ONE major thing that I stress to everyone when I talk about classroom management. We need to teach our students manners. I have told teachers this and I often times get mixed reactions. Some say "Yes, that makes sense! That is the problem; lack of respect." While others say "No, that isn't my job." Yes, we could say that it isn't our jobs. While it is true that manners used to be extremely important and usually taught at home, … [Read more...] about Manners – Classroom Management Monday #2
Eliminate classroom job charts but keep the jobs! FREEBIE!
Confession: I hated my classroom job chart. Every day I would hear someone that caught my mistake of not changing the names. "Mrs. Wriiiiiiiight..... Jacob was the cubby person yesterdayyyy!!!" I always forgot to change those darn things. Then Kagan ideas came along and all of that changed. Kagan strategies are so popular in classrooms and I think they offer strategies every teacher should look into. Unfortunately I was never one of the lucky ones that got picked from our school to go to a conference. Fortunately for me though, I worked with some amazing teachers that came back and shared and taught us everything they … [Read more...] about Eliminate classroom job charts but keep the jobs! FREEBIE!