Were you one of the ones who had a simple worry of the full moon and Friday the 13th being in the same week, to having your world turned upside down instead? There is a scramble to not only find free resources for kindergarten classes, but also try to find resources to help us home school our own children as well.
In this post, I have put together some ah-mazing free kindergarten resources that will hopefully help you out through all of this!

Free Kindergarten Resources
Select the image to download the resource
Opposites Boom Cards
Boom cards!!!! At our house we are loving boom cards! Not only are the educational and give students great practice on skills that were taught, BUT they give parents a moment to get some things done that need to be done. It is a win/win for everyone! This particular deck works with opposites and it is great! You can grab this set here, and also make sure you check out my store The Wright Nook to find other Boom decks and great resources you can send home.
Six Weeks of Kindergarten Plans for Home
The Kinder Life has created this amazing plan! If you are at a loss for what to do during the day, this is an invaluable resource that will guide you throughout this. OR if you already know what you would like to do but need the organization, this comes with an editable version as well!
Rainbow Counting Activity
Resources like this rainbow counting activity from Literacy with the Littles are ones that can be used over and over. Your kiddos can match numbers for one-to-one correspondence practice. Adding the rainbow cards to a sensory bin will make this even more engaging! TIP: add other items like tongs and scoops to the bin to keep your child busy and using fine motor skills!
Home Learning Plan Pack

Alleah Maree has put together this set that comes with everything you need to get started with distance learning. With a guide for parents, lesson plans, and aligned standards, you will find this transition to be easier than you thought! Such a great group of free kindergarten resources.
Writer’s Notebook
A whole journal to keep your kiddo writing during distance learning. This set comes with fun prompts, plus empty pages so they could use their imagination and write what they would like. This would be a great tool for kids to write how they are feeling while going through this confusing time.
Sequencing Stories – Washing Hands
The Teaching Mama has shared this super cute sequencing set that is all about washing hands. HOW PERFECT IS THAT RIGHT NOW?! Your kiddos can read about washing hands correctly then work on cutting and pasting the events in order.
Spring Counting Puzzles
Counting puzzles are such a good way to work on numbers. Chanty Macias did such a good job making these perfect for Spring! The guidance of the pictures will help out with number order – and puzzles are just plain fun! TIP: Add these to a busy bin or sensory bind to keep you kiddo having fun and busy when needed!
A Book a Day Challenge
If nothing else, just read. If work doesn’t get done, it’s okay. Just read. Littles Love Learning created this book challenge that is a perfect way for our kids (and US!) stay accountable.
Charts for Littles
Littles Love Learning has also created an editable chart that could be so helpful throughout this time. While you don’t need to be doing all the things during this hard time, please know that a routine for kids can be extremely helpful with behaviors at home. These are perfect for that!
STEM Activities
Lucy’s Lunchbox Learning’s STEM lesson plans and activities make it easy to set up and keep your kiddos engaged while working on important skills! The best thing is most everything needed is in our homes!
Spring Time Math
Working with numbers 1-10, your kiddos will work with various math strategies. This is another great activity to keep on hand for extra practice when needed and the possibilities are endless! You can use them as flashcards, add them to a sensory bin, or as Crafty Curriculum suggests, you can make poke cards where students thread the correct answer! So fun!
Kindness Calendar
In all moments, and especially in a time like this, it is important to be kind and spread kindness around. This fun calendar, gives you a task to complete that will help your kiddos work on various ways to be kind. In a time where we might all start getting stir-crazy being home together, this is such a great way to take a step back and reassess. Running Turtle Resources has added some great ideas in here and even has a copy where you can add your own!
Home Learning Activities
This resource by A World Of Language Learners is a great tool to have with you while learning from home. A home learning menu helps with ideas but I think the magic is in the graphic organizers! You can use these in SO. MANY. WAYS! Such a good resource to have around!
Teen Numbers Color By Code
Color by codes is always a popular and fun activity! Brittani Black has created one that specifically works with teen numbers! A fun tip that we did at home with color by codes is when done, we would cut out the square and that contained the colored area. We then taped them on a window that gets a lot of sunlight. While not a “true” stained glass, it still glowed and looked beautiful!
Alphabet Practice Pages
Brittani Black also created an alphabet practice sheet where your kiddos can practice writing letters and filling in the letters that are missing! A fun tip for older kiddos is to time them! See if they can beat their previous record of filling in missing letters!
100s Chart Riddles
I have to be honest here, working with 100s charts was never one of my favorites in the classroom BUT You’ve Got This Math makes it SO MUCH FUN! I seriously wish I had this back then! Riddles help your kiddo work on identifying numbers on the chart – which you know they will love. Who doesn’t love a good clue game?!
Magnetic and Not Magnetic Sort
Add some science to your lessons at home with this magnetic sorting activity! The Teaching Mama has put together a set that will get your child thinking about what would be attracted to a magnet or not. Have a magnet at home? Go on a hunt and try to find objects that are and are not magnetic!
There you have it!
I hope these free kindergarten resources will help you with your distance learning journey. Remember we are all in this together and we will get through this.