Yesterday was one of those days where it feels like being a mom is the best job ever..
Last year my good friend Melissa and I saw a post about the 12 days of Christmas Boxes which is basically brilliance in my mind. While the activities planned are a little above where our kiddos are right now, we decided to pick a few themes and celebrate together. Our goal is to eventually work up to having these boxes for the kiddos. Actually, I think my personal goal is to have something for every day starting December 1st until Christmas Eve.
Anyway, yesterday was Snowmen and I hosted! It was so much fun bringing out the teacher in me and prepping for this.
I always like to over plan when it comes to these kinds of things. I’d rather have too much to do and not get to it rather than having too much and stand around twiddling our thumbs.
First up was Winter in a Bag:
They really seemed to get into this activity! We took some empty water bottles and drew some snowmen faces on them. The kiddos each filled their bottle with cotton balls and the end result is a super cute snowman! We finished them off with a felt scarf… I will have to share that picture later! In all the hustle and bustle I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. Once Austin decided he was finished with his snowman he decided to dump the cotton balls and use the bowl as a hat. It was so darn cute and HILARIOUS! These two kids make my heart melt.
After that it was time for a little snack.
After we were done we had fun pretending to be snowmen.
I made baby friendly moon sand which is another very simple project and I am totally planning on making it more in the future. Lacey loved it. For this all you need is 4 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of melted coconut oil. Obviously you don’t want the kiddos eating it but it is completely safe if they decide to have a little taste test. We added some sticks and buttons and tried making snowmen. The kiddos just liked feeling it and squeezing it into little balls. It was super messy but extremely easy to clean up.
One other activity I had planned was a baggy filled with shaving cream, glitter, and the elements of a snowman’s face. The kiddos then move them all around to form the snowman’s face. It is one that I am okay we didn’t get to. I tried it with Lacey before bed and she didn’t quite get that concept just yet.
I absolutely loved watching them play and have fun together. It is so funny to see their different personalities and boy vs. girl tendencies as they are growing.
It’s one of those friendships that I hope to see continue growing for many years to come.