Last year I was so upset that my schedule didn’t work out well with the link up that Blog Hoppin has. This year it does and I am so excited!!!! Today is Who Monday! LET’S GO. NAME Ashley Wright. Which happens to be wayyyyyyyy easier to pronounce than my maiden name Surber. That last name is murder if you are a teacher. Sir and brr…. Surber. I thought it was easy enough. Nope! FAMILY I have been married to the love of my life for two and a half years! We have been together for over five.
We have two fur-babies that we spoil rotten. We just can’t help it!!! Look at those faces! <3
WHERE I’M FROM I lived most of my life in El Paso, TX but I was born in Las Cruces, NM and have lived in Albuquerque, NM. I am actually living back in Las Cruces now but I still teach in El Paso. I am about thirty minutes from the border so it is pretty convenient! It is worth the drive for sure. FRIENDS I have a great group of friends! My best friend is a fellow teacher who has just started her teaching journey in Houston, TX. I am sad it is so far away but I am so, so happy for her!
Old picture but I love it! Of course I have the best group of friends at work and we happen to all work in the same grade level. I love them with all my heart!!!
Unfortunately Stephanie (in the pink) had to leave us to be closer to her family. I am so happy for her but we miss her tremendously! THINGS I LOVE Traveling! After my hubby and I went on our honey moon to the Bahamas, we quickly realized how much we love traveling together. We have since then gone to Alaska, Florida, NYC, DC, and Seattle. Amazing!
Music. I think music can change any mood. I have been known to jam out a little too hard in my car or in the shower. Target. This needs no explanation. Books. I don’t read nearly as much as I would like to because I am so busy but when I read, I READ. I am glued to the book if it is good enough and sometimes my work suffers. That is why I am reluctant to start a book when school is going on. Going to the gym. HA! jk… I hate the gym. My idea of workout is running after 24 five year olds every day. Designing a dream home. It is a freaking blast!!! We are in the process of designing and building a home that we love and the journey has been SO. MUCH. FUN. I am not going to lie, it kind of makes me want to quit teaching and go into the design business. I never will, but I want to sometimes. Especially on those days that more gets added to my already-full plate. DONE! I love, love, love reading about you guys!!! Can’t wait until tomorrow’s post! Now if only I can remember to post my own
Happy teaching.