I happen to be the worst blogger ever. Seriously… I start every school year with the ambition to blog the whole year. I think I get the push after the restful break and being inspired by other bloggers. Needless to say, I start the year and get a couple decent posts in, then it hits… The sheer exhaustion of teaching kindergarten at the beginning of the year. I must admit I am a pretty lazy person, so when I get home the couch is my reward for a hard day’s work. I get into this rut of “oh I will try to blog tomorrow,” which happens daily. It isn’t until months later that I realize I failed and promise myself to try again next year. EVERY. YEAR. I am not writing this to say it will be different this year because lets be honest, it probably wont be. BUT I am here to say I am not going to stress about it! When I blog, I blog. And I DO want to blog, don’t get me wrong. I love to share my thoughts and connect with other bloggers. I think I will stick with link-ups to get back into the swing of things and slowly dive back in. With that said, my blog might be changing quite a bit. I resigned my teaching position. Yikes! Typing that still brings tears to my eyes. The reason for my resignation? I HAD A BABY!!!! Meet Lacey Lynn Wright: I know I am biased but she is seriously the cutest and sweetest baby in the whole world. I love her more than words can ever describe. I want to be able to spend her early years with her. I will share more on resigning in another post. Though I resigned I will still be in the teaching world and working with Teachers Pay Teachers. (Can I just say THANK GOD for TPT!) I am a little behind in updating my year-to-year products due to maternity leave and some unexpected sicknesses (YUCK!). BUT I finished updating at least one of my products. Let me tell ya, it felt GREAT getting back to sitting at my computer and working. I can’t wait to work some more (if the baby allows it
). My yearly behavior charts are here! I have updated the fonts on it as well which I like.
Sorry! I am not sure why this is coming out so blurry. You can get a clear sample at my store. You can find these charts HERE!!!! As always, the entire year from July 2015 – June 2016 is in this packet. Like last year’s charts, they are no longer specific towards the red, yellow, or green behavior system. It is worded in a way that can go with any color chart. You would just have to send a letter home with this at the beginning of the year explaining your classroom’s colors. I hope you enjoy this. It worked wonders in my class. It only took a couple weeks of reviewing the process of filling it out at the end of each day. The kiddos really got the hang of it and loved it themselves. I am planning on creating a post about my behavior management a little closer to the beginning of the school year. Happy teaching!
YAY!! So glad you're back to blogging!! My niece is just the cutest and all other babies should be jealous! lol 🙂 Love ya!