Hello! I am Ashley and I am pretty excited about this next little venture! I have attempted a blog before over at Ashley’s Little Nook and needless to say, it was a failed attempt. It kind of ended up being a mess of home/school/life/venting posts that were more for me than connecting with people. That is not what I wanted.
For about a year now, I have really wanted to start a blog JUST focused on teaching. I want to connect with teachers everywhere and make some new friends too!
With that said, I am about to start my third year of teaching kindergarten in Texas and I am so excited! Each year gets more exciting simply because I feel more confident and have better ideas to improve as time goes on. Last year went REALLY well because I had such a great class. I am excited to see what this year brings!
This is a perfect time to start this blog. I have been working on my own worksheets and behavior charts for this year and I am excited to share them with y’all! I am going to start up a Teachers Pay Teachers shop along with one at Teacher’s Notebook to share some of my work and also give some freebies here at the blog… so stay tuned!!!
I can’t wait to get the ball rolling with this! See you soon!!