It’s here… I finally have a freebie for ya! I spent a long while creating an entire school year’s worth of behavior charts and decided I wanted to sell them.
I don’t know how y’all do your behavior management at school but here is a run down of mine:
I had purchased a really cute behavior chart at Really Good Stuff (my FAVORITE site):

You can purchase this item here.
I love it. The kids love seeing their names up there! When I give warnings and they still don’t listen, I make them move their name to the next color. Having them move it really affirms their behavior and makes them rethink what they did. Last year I used a behavior form that I got from Busy Teacher’s Cafe, but there was a problem… it was terribly time consuming. I had to make tons of copies, make sure I wrote dates and names on each one, then daily I would have to go through and check off which color the students finished the day on. The end of each school day was just a whirlwind of trying to get the charts done and also make sure everything was finished for the day AND try to get homework situated. NOT a fun way to end each day. This summer I swore that I would find a way to make all of this a little easier. Well I finished my first quest: making a whole new month-long behavior chart. Since I had the time, I even finished the whole year! Let me tell ya, it will DEFINITELY be less copies and much more time efficient.
Here is September:
I created this using Power Point but had to make the download a PDF. I did this because I used a downloaded font and I wanted to make sure you guys could see it correctly!!! I am giving September’s chart away for FREE! You can download it here!
If you would like to purchase the entire year’s worth, you can do so here! It would be greatly appreciated!
Now, I am going to use this in a much different way this year. I used folders last year but went through 3 per child because they tear and get beat up. I will again be using folders but this year they will be plastic and they are 50 cents at Walmart right now!!!
In it, I will have a few sheet protectors. One will contain flash cards, another will have the alphabet, numbers 1-100, and others will have different resources to help if students are struggling in certain areas. The folders will be altered to the student! I thank one of my colleagues for this bright idea!
Of course, one sheet protector will contain this behavior chart. At the end of each day, the students will take out their behavior chart and color the face the color that they finished the day on. I of course will be going around making sure they do this correctly. They will take this home daily and have their parents review and initial it. I think this is going to work really well for me!
I hope y’all like it and can use this within your classroom!!!!
Now YOU tell me, what kind of behavior management and tools do you use in your classroom???
What a great behavior chart! I pinned it, because I know some Kinder teachers that would love this!!
I carry around a clipboard and mark tallies for students that aren't following expectations. I then have a calendar with "number codes" on it in the student's homework folders. The codes represent the rule or expectation that was continuously broken.
The system has worked pretty well so far, but I also plan on trying some Whole Brain Teaching techniques for classroom management this year. I'm interested to see how well it works!
I appreciate your pin! I pinned it hoping to get some followers but nothing really yet. I need to get better at all of this!
I love your behavior plan! I think with my little ones, they really need the visual cues to be able to understand sometimes.
I am sure your Whole Brain techniques will work wonderfully! You will have to post about it throughout this year. I would love to know!
Your pin already had 5 repins and 2 like!! Yay! I want to give the calendar I made away for free to get more visitors on my blog, but I have to pay $15 for a "freebie license" for the clip art I used. Once I earn that much on TPT (I'm half way there!), I'll give in and purchase a license.