Cue the music: It's the moooost wonderful timmmme of the yearrrrr! Back to school sale is upon us!!!! EEEEEK!!! First things first, did everyone have a good weekend?! I sure did because I got to practically go back in time and fangirl about a new Harry Potter book being released. Then I proceeded to come home and devour the ENTIRE BOOK. Thank you to my hubby for keeping my baby busy! Ohhhhhh and guess what?! It is time to announce the winner of my giveaway. You all made this SUCH a good giveaway! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So drumroll pleeeeease!!! baaaaaadadadadaddadadada (I hope that translates into a decent drumroll) The winner is … [Read more...] about BEST YEAR EVERRRRR
Back to School
Freebie and Giveaway
Summer is quickly slipping away from us! Am I the only crazy one that is sooooo excited for Fall???? Brisk days, sweaters, apple cider, coziness, my list could go on and on. That list happens to include a new blog design! Whhhhaaaaaat?! I decided to make the investment and dive right in. The lovely and talented Becca at Jumping Jax Designs will be starting my design in a couple of weeks and I am so eager to see how it turns out. So far she has been a dream to work with and puts up with my many annoying questions. With that said, I think it's time for a bit of a celebration!!!!!!!! Today I have for you an awesome freebie and an even BETTER … [Read more...] about Freebie and Giveaway
Back to School Centers
Starting anything at the beginning is HARD. Especially in Kindergarten. While each grade has it's struggles, we kinder teachers experience a whole new world. Kinder is so fast paced these days which means we pretty much have to dive in to things right away. For our district, this included learning centers. Over my years I have experienced a bunch of ups and downs which is why I created this list of tips for you! 1. Create behavior expectations first. I am a little crazy passionate about behavior. I take a lot of time going over it at the beginning of the year. I don't just have a list of a few rules and review it each day. Everything … [Read more...] about Back to School Centers
Back to School Giveaway!
I can't get over the generosity and support from my fellow teachers and tpt authors. Thanks to my friend Melissa, she added me to a great private group on facebook just for TPT authors. Y'all... these women (and men!) are amaaazing. They are so supportive and everyone is there to help each other out. It's my new happy place! With their help I have decided to revamp my blog... again. HAHA! I thought that I would be able to get away with doing it myself but it obviously didn't come out as... glam?... as I had hoped. Some things should just be left to the professionals. I am so scared to take the plunge because it is a big investment. Yikes! Anyhoo... … [Read more...] about Back to School Giveaway!
Christmas In July
It is getting *SO-CLOSE* to that time! I am almost scared to say it because I know some of you are trying to hide from it. Back to School time! Didn't you all just get out of school?! I know, I know... summer goes by entirely too fast. To make the transition a bit easier and help you dive in slowly, some of us TPT sellers are throwing a Christmas in July sale and it starts TOMORROW! It's time to fill up those online shopping carts and slowly start getting ready for the inevitable. Lucky for you, my ENTIRE store is 20% off!!! That even includes my brand-spankin'-new August/September Math and Literacy center packet! Make sure you share … [Read more...] about Christmas In July