How do you organize everything you send home at the end of the day? I am going to share my FAVORITE method: using take home folders. What are take home folders? Take home folders are where I housed everything. This is where the parents knew they would find anything I send home, including behavior calendars, AND where they knew to send anything to me such as a note. In it, I had a space where it was any paperwork that needed to be returned to school (such as forms or picture money). I also had a space for papers that were meant to stay at home like school info and such. What all do you need for this? A 3 prong folder I buy mine for … [Read more...] about Take Home Folders
Using Behavior Calendars In Your Classroom
Now, we have discussed behavior charts... do you use them in your classroom? Like I mentioned before, I am a bit impartial to them. I don't think you HAVE to have them, nor do I think you HAVE to take them down. I think you need to do what is best for your students. For the past five years, whether my behavior chart was up or down, I have always used Behavior Calendars. What are behavior calendars? They are something I created to get rid of the charts I was filling out daily. When I started teaching, my principal at the time had us send home daily updates on behavior to the parents because our district was BIG on parent … [Read more...] about Using Behavior Calendars In Your Classroom
Sharing – Classroom Management Monday
Happy Monday friends! Let's talk about sharing. It comes at a perfect time because there is a post that is going a bit viral right now. Have you read it? If not, you can HERE. In short, it is from a mom who is frustrated with how sharing is expected and taught. I have to tell ya though, I agree with her 100%. Sharing Today You often hear everyone telling their children or students, "you need to share!" While this is true, how far are we taking it? During learning centers, if there was blocks, math manipulatives, or some other item involved, I would always get kids running up to me tattling "___ won't share the big block." Or even "___ … [Read more...] about Sharing – Classroom Management Monday
May & June Math and Literacy set and Year Long Bundle Complete!
Happy Sunday everyone!!! I am here with some SUUUUPER exciting news! My May and June Math and Literacy Activity set is COMPLETE! I may have done a little happy dance when I posted it yesterday! As always, here is a little glimpse inside: If you are a long time reader then you know I am always obsessed with a good scavenger hunt. I like to get my students up and moving around while they are learning. With good classroom management, it is ALWAYS a possibility and your students might like it more than you do! With this, they will hunt for math problems and chart their findings. You will get: 2 different worksheets for your … [Read more...] about May & June Math and Literacy set and Year Long Bundle Complete!
Celebrating Each Other for a More Positive Environment
This one seems like one of those super simple statements that just gets tossed around. Well, guess what? It is and there is a reason for it: it works. What phrase am I talking about? Positive Learning Environment By now we have all heard about the benefits of a positive learning environment. With that being said, I am going to get into some of the stuff that I believe in that might not sit well with some: I don't agree with the "everyone is a winner for participating" era happening right now. I believe in tough love... AND I believe in showing love. Now before you get too upset, allow me to explain. I think it is great that we celebrate … [Read more...] about Celebrating Each Other for a More Positive Environment
Classroom Management MONDAY #1
Hey, hey, heyyyy! You guys, I am SO EXCITED! Today marks the launch of my new series: Classroom Management Mondays. We all know this is a hard subject. It is a never-stopping-super-fast-revolving-door. It is something that requires constant change. It is something that requires flexibility. It is something that sometimes breaks us. I have dedicated countless hours researching all different types of classroom management for myself to make sure those hard truths listed above were easier for me. I wanted to be on top of the game when it came to this area. With more pressure and larger workloads being put on kiddos at younger ages, the socialization is … [Read more...] about Classroom Management MONDAY #1