I am at a loss here. I want to know how on earth you other teachers manage to not only teach all day but blog regularly, have a life, and make these AWESOME products?! I feel like I am struggling here. Is there some secret I am missing? If so, please share. I will be forever grateful! Anyhow, I have been working hard to get things ready for literacy centers. Don’t get me wrong, I have been doing them since the beginning of school but now I am slowly starting to implement these A-MA-ZING ideas that we got at a workshop last year. It was one of those trainings that open up your eyes and you hear angels singing in the background. It was THAT. GOOD. The ... Read More
Favorite Lesson: LITTER! and a Freebie!
I wish I could have posted this sooner but I really wanted to wait until this weekend so I can share a freebie with y’all. This week we did one of my most favorite lessons EVER. It’s one of those “they will never forget this” lessons. (I love those) After lunch, the kiddos came back to our room looking like THIS: I stay outside making sure everyone says our “password” (word of the week) and you can hear them go dead silent. You can tell they are scared to tell me something is terribly wrong. Finally one of my kiddos gets up the nerve to say “Mrs. Wright, you made a huge mess at lunch time. You should have cleaned up.” HILARIOUS. I ... Read More
Classroom Reveal!
Last week was insane. Like meetingournewprincipal-learningaboutnewchanges-districtmeetings-gettingourclassroomreadyintwodays-workingtwoSaturdays insane. I am glad it is over with. SO. GLAD. May I also add: THANK GOD FOR MY MOM AND HUBBY. My hubby moved everything into my room and due to construction, I promise you it was a more than daunting task. My mom BUSTED some booty helping me organize and set everything up (a lot of the time while I was going back and forth trying to get things other than my classroom done). Seriously, I should place a mommy-monument dedicated to her in my classroom. I am really sad that I couldn’t have debuted my classroom ... Read More
Back to School Super Sale!!!
This has to be one of my favorite times of the year simply because I get to stock up on what has been on my wish list for a while!!! Trust me, it’s a lot. I hope I am not the only one. I also hope you stop by my store and take advantage of this! Everything in my store is 20% off and if you enter the code BTS13 at the end of checkout, you get an extra 10% off. THAT’S 28%!!!! Also, for the latest updates (and maybe some freebies!) like me on FACEBOOK. Hop on over to my store HERE! I think some good packages to take advantage of are my Write Around the Room (Entire Year Package) Teacher's Planner HFW Bundles (look at all of ... Read More
My Favorite Center Activity and Freebie!
Well, still no blog layout! I have had this post ready for some time now and I was waiting for my new layout so that it could be extra cute hehe. It is a little delayed though because poor Tessa is in back to school mode. We all now how crazy that is! Anyway, I wanted to share my favorite center activity with y’all. It’s one that a lot of us do but I mold it to my lessons and make it tricky! It is Write Around the Room or Write the Room. I encourage kids to write any words they see but I specifically like them to find vocabulary words from a lesson. Since I like to focus more on that, my partner Veronica and I made an entire year’s worth of themed ... Read More
Getting Ready!
I have three more weeks until I have to report back to work. Actually, I am hoping it is more like two weeks. They usually let us in early to work on our classrooms but last year and this year there has been construction so it isn’t looking too great. I have so many projects here at home that I keep jumping around to and from that I need to get done before I head back. I am entering the freak out mode of “Holy ba-jesus I only have a couple weeks!!!” I am going to share one thing on my list that I finished a few weeks ago. And though it isn’t teaching specific, I am really excited about it! Before last year had even ended I was dead set on buying a ... Read More