Ever since I was little I knew I couldn’t wait to be a mommy. Early on I also knew that I wanted to be a stay at home mom just like mine was. I loved having my mom at home for me. I also loved that she was able to come on our field trips and help out at our school whenever it was needed. I truly thought it was so special and I wanted to do the same for my kiddos one day. As you know, the day finally came. I am a mommy! With that came the time to resign from the best job I have ever had. I honestly don’t even look at it as a “job.” It was much harder than ever anticipated. Not only was it my dream job, but all of my friends work there. At my school we ... Read More
A whirlwind of life events!
I happen to be the worst blogger ever. Seriously… I start every school year with the ambition to blog the whole year. I think I get the push after the restful break and being inspired by other bloggers. Needless to say, I start the year and get a couple decent posts in, then it hits… The sheer exhaustion of teaching kindergarten at the beginning of the year. I must admit I am a pretty lazy person, so when I get home the couch is my reward for a hard day’s work. I get into this rut of “oh I will try to blog tomorrow,” which happens daily. It isn’t until months later that I realize I failed and promise myself to try again next year. EVERY. YEAR. I am ... Read More
Teacher Week is here!!!
Last year I was so upset that my schedule didn’t work out well with the link up that Blog Hoppin has. This year it does and I am so excited!!!! Today is Who Monday! LET’S GO. NAME Ashley Wright. Which happens to be wayyyyyyyy easier to pronounce than my maiden name Surber. That last name is murder if you are a teacher. Sir and brr…. Surber. I thought it was easy enough. Nope! FAMILY I have been married to the love of my life for two and a half years! We have been together for over five. We have two fur-babies that we spoil rotten. We just can’t help it!!! Look at those faces! <3 WHERE I’M FROM I lived most of my life ... Read More
My teacher bag!
Today I am linking up with Teacher by the Beach to show off my teacher bag. Over the years, I have used many different bags. Bags that were given to us from the district, given to me as gifts, and even bags that I had left over from my glory days working at Bath and Body Works. Do you remember all the amazing totes they used to give out when you would spend a certain amount? I have about 20. Well this year I received a 31 bag that trumps any of my other bags. I actually received it as a Christmas gift from one of my students. I literally cried when I opened it. I honestly had never received anything that wonderful. Her and her mom even had it ... Read More
My Erin Condren Lesson Planner Review
WARNING: This is a LONG post, but if you are seriously thinking about buying an EC Teaching Panner then read on through! It’s no lie that Erin Condren is the QUEEN of organization products. Last year I was determined to purchase one of her teacher’s lesson planners. I watched the video over and over and loved everything that it offered. Once I picked my design and ordered it, I sat on pins and needles waiting for it to arrive! When it did, I was ecstatic to say the least. I actually planned on writing a review right away but of course I got busy and the idea was put on hold. I am glad I held off because at the time, it would have been a rave ... Read More
The best TPT purchase… EVER.
So I come across this pin one day… Early Finishers Tub I think it is super cute and clever, I pin it, and I keep on pinning. You know how that is, right? Fast-forward to one September morning where one of my little early finishers come to me and says “I always have to read after I am done… can I do something else?” I got so caught up in helping my kiddos and just saying “when you are done, grab a book” that I didn’t realize how boring this can be a few times a day and every day especially to those that don’t know how to read yet. I immediately remembered my pin and jumped online and bought it from the amazing Crystal. BEST. PURCHASE. EVER. ... Read More